Sponsorship levels
Presenting Sponsor (currently not available for 2024)- $5000.00
- Company logo on race bibs.
- Featured booth as Presenting Sponsor at event.
- Signage as top level sponsor.
- Flag at booth indicating level of sponsorship
- Company logo on race shirt, flyers, website and other marketing material
- Ability to have marketing material placed in race packet
- Shout out by band at event
- 4 race registrations
- discount code for use as desired
Platinum Sponsor (one currently available for 2024)-$3000.00
- Featured booth as Platinum Sponsor at event.
- Signage as major sponsor.
- Flag at booth indicating level of sponsorship
- Company logo on race shirt, flyers, website and other marketing material
- Ability to have marketing material placed in race packet
- Shout out by band at event
- 2 race registrations
- discount code for use as desired
Gold Sponsor (two available for 2024) – $2500.00
- Featured booth as Gold Sponsor at event.
- Signage as major sponsor.
- Flag at booth indicating level of sponsorship
- Company logo on race shirt, flyers, website and other marketing material
- Ability to have marketing material placed in race packet
- Shout out by band at event
- 2 race registrations
- discount code for use as desired
VIP tent sponsor – $1100.00
- Featured booth as VIP Tent Sponsor at event.
- Company logo on race shirt,
- website link
- Ability to have marketing material placed in race packet
- Shout out by band at event
- 1 race registration
- discount code for use as desired
Award Sponsor – $1100.00
- Featured table as Award Sponsor at event.
- Company logo on race shirt,
- website link
- Ability to have marketing material placed in race packet
- Shout out by band at event
- Mentioned as award sponsor during award ceremony
- 1 race registration
Swag Sponsor –$1100.00
- Table at event.
- Company logo on race shirt, and on swag bag
- website link
- Ability to have marketing material placed in race packet
- Shout out by band at event
- 1 race registration
Kids Race Sponsor-$1100.00
- Table at event.
- Company logo on race shirt, and on swag bag
- website link
- Ability to have marketing material placed in race packet
- Shout out by band at event
- 1 race registration
Logo sponsor-$500,00
- Table at event
- Company logo on race shirt
Vendor table at event: $350.00
Products for raffle and swag bag are also graciously accepted and other sponsorship ideas are welcomed. We want to fit your needs with ours!
Contact: Marty Caron at drmarty@caronchiro.com or 651-497-8760.
**all sponsors have the ability to offset their sponsorship dollars by referring participants to either start a team or register for the event.